My room’s occupants began the next morning with breakfast while the rest of the guys needed a couple more hours to sleep. While thinking of good breakfast places (and why is it that only cheap hotels serve continental breakfast?) Edmonson and Cameron recommended Qdoba, fine by me. Then we get there and I realize it’s a fast food Mexican grille – because there’s nothing like nachos after a long night of imported beers. Boy oh boy is Jenny lucky she wasn’t around for that car ride home.
We eat up at the circle and chill at the hotel while the other guys slowly start the day. Brent clogs the toilet and has to call for a plunger to be sent up, thattaboy. After all is said and done, I chill in Greenwood for a couple more hours, say my farewell to Brent, and return home. Brent is moving to Austin next weekend to get his PhD in Plasma Physics, if you weren’t aware.
And so it was that I awoke (a little hung over) at 5am on Saturday, drove six hours to Indy for a bar crawl, and drove back to Huntsville on Sunday. I still got it.
When I got gas halfway through my trip, I calculated my car as getting 39.8 mpg. I was so freaking close! I have a personal goal to average 40 mpg on a tank of gas.
The similarity of our stories proves to everyone that we are not lying, drunk assholes, and we remember the important things, like puke, strippers, and plungers. I admittedly left the plunger part out though. Thanks for picking up the slack, lol. I also love the fact that both of our blog titles refer to movies. Sublime.