Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Spring Jam ‘08

Rock out, anyone?

Huntsville's annual Big Spring Jam is the last weekend in September. No, holding the festival in autumn doesn't make the name ironic. The festival is held in Big Spring Park.

I didn't go last year because Rose's homecoming fell on the last weekend of September, causing me to miss a performance by 70's super-band Foreigner. Though I won't become as cold as ice, nor hot blooded, the lineup this time around looks even awesomer - well, if you're big into classic rock like this guy. Kansas, .38 Special, The Guess Who, and the ever lonely Three Dog Night. And yes, I have been curious to know what Hootie's been up to (blowfish not included). And who (excluding Jenny) doesn't love the upbeat tunes of The Presidents of the United States of America? But what am I most excited for? Fucking STYX! Tighten the jib my friend, 'cause I'm gonna sail away.

Yeah, there's some crap too. Some country, a little hip-hop, and some rock groups I've never heard of / cared about. But there are three stages, so avoiding Cowboy Troy won't be a challenge. And all the bands I love are headlining. Sweet.

If anyone wants to visit said weekend (Sept 26-28) and rock out like a beer-drinking robot, you can contact me at my usual number/blog/email/facebook. I can get discounted weekend passes where I work - though they're only available for about another weekish. We'll have a futon waiting in the den, and beer waiting in the fridge.

P.S. Oh frak! Kansas and Presidents of the USA are playing at the same time. Mind-making must ensue.

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