Wednesday, February 4, 2009

RHIT Info Session ‘09

Dynetics is sending me to conduct an info session at Rose-Hulman next Wednesday, followed by interviews on Thursday. The HR recruiter who would normally lead this task has an eight-month-pregnant wife, thus I'll be flying solo on this one. I have a feeling it's going to be frakking cold up there.


  1. Good to hear you'll be in town!! I'll be in the Haute for Valentine's day. I'm trying to get a DOS party going on the 13th.

  2. I arrive Thursday evening, but I'm not sure what we're doing that night. I'll let you know if I find out if anything is going on.

  3. I hate all you Rose info session SOBs.

  4. It's 15 deg F right now in Huntsville, which is bullshit.

  5. Okay, I guess I can't be too jealous, then. I wore a T-shirt and jeans today.

  6. 51 F in Iowa today take that Alabama

  7. You are late, monsieur halfpeniere. It was 58 deg F today, so in your face. Plus we're camping this weekend. Booyah!!!
