Friday, May 15, 2009

The Hops Must Flow

I went to Founders Day last weekend. Did some work, did some car bombs, had some fun. No particularly outstanding stories, but a general good time had by all. I think I've grown to love car bombs. But car bombs are a sometimes food.

A car bomb at the bar: $7 - $12

A car bomb at home: Priceless... er, about $2

The Alabama senate passed the Gourment Beer Bill yesterday. Now we just need the governor's signature, which is likely since he just signed a bill raising the ABV limit on wine. I'm looking forward to a much wider beer selection at next month's Magic City Brewfest. I'm buying my tickets today, and Jenny and I are going to spend the night in Birmingham. Dark Lord Day taught me a 1 1/2 hour drive home after a beer festival is a long car ride.

I bought my tickets to the Music City Brewer's Festival. Now that is going to be one heck of a brewfest.

Jenny's aunt made us a set of glass coasters. I'm pretty sure they're in a package I just picked up from the leasing office. Now Jenny's going to make me use coasters. Nothing against coasters, but when you have a blue shell barreling down your ass the last thing on your mind is where to set down your friggin' beer. And seriously, it takes one person to knock over a glass of beer to undo the cumulative effort of using coaster for like what? The entire year?

I finished the first five Harry Potter books, part of an insignificant goal I have. That gives me two months to read The Half-Blood Prince before the movie comes out. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll make it.

How about that rain we've been having? I know, right?


  1. Coasters are for chumps.

    I know, right? We just got hammered this morning with a squall.

  2. Its actually quite beautiful out right now, mid 60's and sunny. suck it Alabama / Texas

  3. Well sure, it's nice here NOW as well. That whole passage of time thing is tricky.

  4. wait - so alabama now doesn't have ridiculous beer laws? therefore, i have no problems with the state at all - except it probably gets ridiculously hot in the summer and doesn't snow in the winter....but those aren't nearly as important as being able to buy some Chimay at your neighborhood alcohol store...

  5. I enjoy you ending the post talking about the weather.... We're getting old.
