Friday, April 4, 2008

Dr. House

The RHIT variety. I completely missed Dr. House on Jeopardy. Why? Because Jeopardy airs at 12:30pm in Huntsville. At first I thought Jeopardy might be a little above the head of the average Alabamian, hence pushing it to mid-day while leaving Wheel of Fortune as is; but a further search shows Jeopardy airs at normal times in Birmingham and Decatur. What gives? Asking to leave work five hours early to watch Jeopardy would have been pushing it.

Well I know he won with about 16 grand. Anyone know where I can view a copy of the show?

1 comment:

  1. If you find out, let me know. I was in Mexico when he was on, but I hear that he's going to be on Monday night. If he keeps winning, we're bound to see him sometime.
