Sunday, March 8, 2009

DST Sucks

Switching back to standard time sucks. All it does is eat an hour of my weekend. Why can't it take place at 4PM on Monday? Oh look, it's 3:59. Almost time to go home. Now it's 4:00. Wait. BAM! Five O'clock, time to go home. Catch ya later, suckas.


  1. Agreed. I woke up this morning, and it was dark. I was like, wtf? I was used to having some damn sunshine when I got up.

  2. Because then we Central Time people would say, "Oh look, it's 2:59. Not really time to go home. Now it's 3:00. Wait. BAM! Four o'clock, and I'm still at fucking work. SHIT!" But I agree; I was up until 4 AM last night because the switch just exacerbates my insomnia.

  3. Of course I just wondered: does everybody switch at the same clock time in their respective time zones, or do we all switch at the exact same time? I guess I never thought of that. I guess the switch is always at 2 AM regardless of where you are, so I'm with you. Viva la revolucion.

  4. This should answer your question.

    "Coordination strategies differ when adjacent time zones shift clocks. The European Union shifts all at once, at 01:00 UTC; for example, Eastern European Time is always one hour ahead of Central European Time. Most of North America shifts at 02:00 local time, so its zones do not shift at the same time; for example, Mountain Time can be temporarily either zero or two hours ahead of Pacific Time."

    Except Mexico and South America don't change at the same time as us so when I'm talking to my peeps in the SoHem it gets all wobly wook.

  5. Because, Brent, even if it's bullshit, if everyone else is doing it you must conform. Or else you won't be cool.

    Plus, my favorite holiday of the year is DST in the fall.
