Friday, July 17, 2009

This Blog

I need to renew my hosting plan and domain registration this month, but why pay $80/year when sites like Blogspot and Flickr will allow me the same service for free? I pay because I like owning a unique domain name and I enjoy scripting webpages, but my imminent homeownership has me thinking frugally. The $80 I'd save could buy 2-5 used videogames, 1 or 2 camping trips, 6-9 six packs of beer, Road Hazard Insurance for my new tires, a bicycle trainer, a charcoal grill, or 16 blowjobs from your mom. Is it worth it? Hmm...


  1. I'd just switch to a blogging site. I never really saw the appeal of a personal website unless you use it for several things.
